Many times have I made this traditional beloved Greek Cuttlefish with spinach recipe after a short trip to the local food market! This is an easy, quick and light dish that can be made any season.

The secrets to this Greek Cuttlefish with spinach recipe lies in the freshness of the ingredients. Food markets are very popular in Greece, with the majority of households carrying out their shopping there. One can get the freshest vegetables and fish. If you are lucky enough to do your shopping from a local food market, then you have to take advantage of its fresh food!

Greek cuttlefish with spinach recipe

How do I clean Cuttlefish in preparation for the cuttlefish with spinach recipe?

You can ask your local Fishmonger to clean and prepare your Cuttlefish for you. However, if this is not possible, then do not despair, follow my step by step guide below! Start by making a vertical incision on the Cuttlefish body and open it up. Remove the cuttlebone, the hard internal shell of the Cuttlefish. You can do this by either using your fingers or with a knife. Continue by carefully removing the internal organs and intestines, again either with your fingers or using a knife.  Make sure you do not puncture the ink sac as it would get messy!  Lay flat the bell flap of the Cuttlefish and peel off the skin with your fingers. Cut off the Cuttlefish head off from the internal organs. Remember that the tentacles and the short arms are edible, so do not throw these away. Wash the Cuttlefish under running water and dry it with kitchen towel.

Can I make cuttlefish with spinach with squid instead?

Yes you can. While this light Greek Cuttlefish with spinach recipe is traditionally made with Cuttlefish, both cuttlefish and squid belong to the same species with Cuttlefish being fatter and rounder than squid. Cuttlefish is meatier and has a richer taste compared to squid but if you can’t find any, squid will be a great substitution!

Can I use frozen spinach to prepare this recipe?

This traditional Greek Cuttlefish with spinach recipe can be made with frozen spinach. Make sure you defrost the spinach  well in advance before making this dish. Leave the frozen spinach to drain in a bowl and add it in the pot when most of the water has been drained.

Pro tip!

If you happen to have pet birds do not throw away the cuttlebone but rather give it to your parrot. Not only cuttlebone provides nutrition to parrots but also helps them trim their beaks! I know my parrots loved it every time I made this dish.

Greek cuttlefish with spinach recipe

Greek cuttlefish with spinach recipe

Rating: 5.0/5
( 78 voted )
Serves: 4 Prep Time: Cooking Time:


  • 800g cuttlefish (cleaned and degutted)
  • 1 kg spinach
  • 150 mls warm water
  • 40 ml olive oil
  • 1 lemon juice
  • salt and black pepper to season


    • Start by assembling all of your ingredients.
    • Clean and prepare your Cuttlefish. If you have never done this before, have a look above for my easy step by step guide above
    • Slice the Cuttlefish into relatively thin strips, approximate 1cm in size.
    • Finely slice the onion and chop the spinach into rough chunks.
    • Pour oil in a pot and sauté the onion over medium heat until the onion turns golden brown.
    • Add the Cuttlefish into the pot, season it with salt and black pepper . Lightly the Cuttlefish with the onions for roughly 8-10 minutes.
    • Add the spinach chunks into the pot  whilst stirring for approximate 1 minute.
    • Continue by adding the lemon juice and warm water.
    • Turn down the heat and let the cuttlefish with spinach boil for 8-10 minutes.
    • You can serve with lemon slices and Feta cheese.
    • Kali Orexi! Enjoy!


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